Healthcare Workforce Scheduling Platform

189% Boost, in Workforce Efficiency,
AI Powered

Our solution optimizes staff rotations for efficiency and employee satisfaction in healthcare organizations.

  • Exclusive AI powered algorithms
  • Worker-Friendly Scheduling
  • Flexible Schedules
  • Realtime Communication
  • Agile Change Management


Stay on top of qualifications and compliance

Fill healthcare shifts quickly

Match positions, qualifications, and locations and automate shift allocation.

Control costs

Set up custom pay & charge rules for each shift and receive automated timesheets and invoices.


Analyze global costs, forecast headcount, and more.

Fill shifts quickly with best-suited employee

Match positions, qualifications, and locations automatically to fill shifts quickly. You can eliminate unnecessary administrative tasks to optimize workflows and reduce overhead costs.

The smartest way to track employee time

Let your staff members clock in with the GPS Time Clock app and view real-time data. Ensure employee accountability with geofencing, and guarantee on-time staffing.

Flexible, Dynamic Scheduling

From top-down to bottom-up scheduling, ScheduleFlex offers multiple scheduling options to meet the needs of each department or location.

  • Provide managers with the ability to organize their teams to optimize scheduling for their department.
  • Share scheduling responsibilities across multiple managers, even if at different locations.
  • Cater schedule processes to your workforce makeup. Choose one approach for full-time employees and another for part-time employees who may need more scheduling flexibility.

Intelligent Workforce Flexing

Provides visibility into your entire workforce regardless of full-time, part-time, or contingent staff so you can maximize the current resources you have.

  • Track employee schedule flexibility, their interest in additional shifts, and OT status to fully leverage your available workforce capacity.
  • Share workers across departments and locations to respond quickly to labor demand needs.
  • Tag specific shifts for immediate shift pickup by qualified part-time, contingent, and contract workers.

Solution Whitepaper

The PRO solution automates the process of generating optimal rotations. It takes as input the constraints and uses sophisticated optimization techniques to find the best possible rotation that satisfies all the constraints and minimizes the penalties. The PRO solution also provides an intuitive user interface that allows the users to modify the constraints, explore different scenarios, and visualize the results in various formats.

An example of a simple rotation for a unit with two full-time and three part-time employees with baseline coverage of three employees per day.